Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- 9/20 オリエンテーション (119:52)
- 9/27 全体Zoom - 撮影時のポイントと課題の振り返り (61:35)
- 9/28 カフェ撮影解説ワークショップ (13:12)
- 10/4 特別講師セミナー (115:48)
- 10/11 自分の目的地を決めるワーク (77:30)
- 10/14 オフ会デモンストレーション (78:59)
- 10/18 Lightroom編集ワーク (70:34)
- 10/25 シズルデモンストレーション (76:42)
- 10/28 0期1期交流会 (38:23)
- 11/1 全体Zoom 得意を見つけるワーク (69:16)
- 11/8 特別講師セミナー (124:27)
- 11/15 目標設定の振り返り、インタビューワーク (67:46)
- 11/22 デモンストレーション (103:28)
- 11/29 クライアントワークのチェックポイント (105:25)
- 1206 0期生インタビュー (115:31)
- 1213 契約書・請求書・見積書について/before after振り返り (61:02)
- 12/20 卒業式 (98:40)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.